Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Summer Reading!

YOU MADE IT THROUGH 3RD GRADE!  YES!  I hope everyone had a great school year and I hope you all enjoy your summer. 

Your end of the year gift from me is the awesome book: The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo.  I hope you will take some time this summer to read it.  It's a great book by a great author!  I would love to hear what you think about the book and if you read any other great books this summer.  Please email me and let me know!  I plan to read A LOT of books this summer too! I'll let you know what I read that is awesome too!

Here's a quick book trailer that gives you an idea of what The Tiger Rising is about:

Click below for some more information about the book and some questions to use while reading. (Talk about the book with your family!!)
If you like this book, you might like some of Kate DiCamillo's other books too! Look at the list below that shows a few of her books!

Want to know even MORE about this author?  Click below to see her website!
Enjoy your summer!!!